Tuesday, June 2, 2009

(Task 7) Problem and solution of the global warming

There are a lot of issues that concerns people all over the world, but they agreed that global warming has become one of the main problems in our societies. But are there any solutions? In this essay, I will examine the causes of global warming and the possible solutions. Also, I will show my point of view about this problem.

First of all, we have to look at some causes which are leading to increase global warming rates. The main cause of global warming is green house gases which are kept in our atmosphere and makes a layer that sends back the warm energy and don’t let it pass to the outer space. As a result, The EIA estimated in 2007 that the emission of CO2 from fossil fuels combustion will reach 27 billion tons by the year 2010(Nagel, 2009). Another cause of global warming is the bad habits or individual activities which means human activity. To instance, people are practicing traditional building and using traditional materials that can’t be recycled. Last point is that Governments don’t put environmental protocols which are making a big threat to our earth. For example, they know that they are damaging the environment but they are forced by their industrial quarter heads to increase their economies and obviously make more money.

Having looked at some causes, let’s now talk about some solution of this issue. First of all, renewable energy resources like solar energy, wind and other earth resources. To clarify, by using these renewable energies together, they will provide any country with five times more electricity than they need (UCSUSA, 2009). Secondly, vehicles in general like cars and trucks are contributing to emissions of CO2. For instance, it depends on the miles travelled and the amount of fuels used, to decrease the fuel used by increasing the efficiency of the engines or use hybrid cars that don’t use fossil fuels. Yet another major solution is by changing people’s style of life. To illustrate, they can reduce the electricity by concentrating on their basic needs and people should reduce their waste and use goods that can be recycled.

In conclusion, global warming is a serious problem that threatens humankind and other creatures. Now scientists are still trying to find more solutions for it. However, in my opinion, in the future, all peoples and governments have to work together to apply the solutions because the problem is not belong to scientists only.

Works Cited
Freedman, Bill. "Global warming." Ed. Ed. K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. 2008. Gale Encyclopedia of Science. 22 May 2009. Keyword: global warming.
Nagel, Rob. "Greenhouse effect." 2007. Student Resource Center - Gold. Higher Colleges of Technology, Abu Dhabi. 22 May 2009. Keyword: greenhouse.
"Start saving carbon now." Greener Choices. Ed. Consumers Union of United States. July 2008. 22 May 2009 .

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