Wednesday, June 3, 2009

English 174- Blog Project (Lebanon0

Lebanon is one of the oldest countries in the Middle East. The country which named by Bible the country of milk and honey. It is formed by five nations Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Turkey and Cyprus. Lebanon is history had a lot of wars starting with civil war and ending with Israel war in 2006.Even with this unlucky history Beirut is still a good example of what we call Paris of the east.

Lebanon has long history, there is a famous name of Lebanon is written in the Bible and the name is the land of milk and honey. Referring to the Bible the first miracle was in the Lebanon which Jesus change the water to the wine. The capital on Lebanon is Beirut. It’s named Paris of the East because it has a good tourism. The famous singer from Lebanon is shakira which is half Lebanese. The countries adjacent to Lebanon are Israel, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. Lebanon is the countries which almost have equal number from the Muslims 100,000 Palestinians were kicked out from the new state on Israel and poured into Lebanon. Horrible happened in Lebanon it was in 1975 when members of a radical Christian group, the Phalange attacked and killed a bus which contains a lot of Palestinians in downtown Beirut. In 1976 Syria sent 20000 thousand soldiers to quash radical Muslim group on the inventions of the Maronite Christian lading government and 2000 Palestinians were killed. In 1982, Israel army try to destroy the Palestinians liberation organization. After some years a peace deal are reached to Lebanon in 1989.

Lebanon has become peaceful country and recovered economy and socially. More than 17 kind of religious lives together. People live in peace and there are nice sites for tourists. But there are few problems where there are not enough jobs for every body, and future is out side the country. To find a future and job you must go outside the country..
Work cited
"Eye On Lebanon." Global Eye. Royal Geographic Society. 9 Feb. 2009 .

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