Thursday, March 12, 2009

Global warming

Earth's climate has been changing constantly over its 5-billion-year history. Sometimes, the climate has warmed so that the oceans have rise and covered much of the Earth. Each of the changes may seem extreme, but they usually occurred slowly over many thousands of years. In this essay, I’m going to write about several causes and effects which have led to this situation.

Let’s now take a look at same causes of this issue. For starter, one notable concern with regard to green house gases. For example carbon dioxide released from cars and factories. Another cause is with respect to volcanoes eruption. For instance, gases releases from volcanoes could actually one of the causes. .

Having looked at same causes, let’s now turn our attention to some effects of the global warming. First point to take into consideration is with respect to Annual amounts of rainfall or snowfall. To clarify, the amount of the rainfall can increase or decrease due to this issue. Yet a final result is to do with melting of ice. To illustrate, the water sea level is increasing due to the melting of ice.

In summary, a warmer Earth may lead to changes in rainfall patterns, a rise in sea level, and a wide range of impacts on plants, wildlife, and humans. In my opinion Government should aware people regarding effects of this issue.


  1. That's a very common problem and i think that the Global Warming is an important subject.. will done Ibn Hanash ^_^
