Monday, April 20, 2009

English 174: Summarization Task 4 An Inconvenient truth argument

Arguments and criticisms occur for any documentary, movie, or research that discusses an essential issue. Reviews have been made about the documentary An Inconvenient Truth which talks about the global warming issue. In the Inconvenient Truth movie, some reviewers eulogized the movie’s purpose, the others haven’t admired it. This essay will summarize some arguments for and against this movie.
Parts of people were in arguing with this movie.
First of all, they mentioned that Al Gore’s showing makes the film very motivating and he had an enormous background on this issue. To instance, he treated his spectators like intelligent and varied the presentation with some jokes. He was afraid to change it to a politic issue. To clarify, Gore is careful not to turn this film into a party-political broadcast for Al Gore or the US Democratic.(Helen 2). Empire reviews acknowledged that Al Gore’s charts, statistic and scientists studies prove that the global warming is not new phenomenon (Empire).To illustrate, they support their opinion by several excellent climate researchers who says that Al Gore got the facts right.

Any documentaries might have some discussions against it. The first point to consider is that the checkers think that he tried to gain some points against the Republicans. To illustrate, criticisms against An Inconvenient Truth because they said that Al Gore was joking on Bush administration and other Republicans. Another point is that Al Gore spent a lot of time to tell us that the global warming is occurring. To illustrate, they said that he also uses the period they and scientists to confirm that his theory is happening. According to Scott, the film wasn’t supply the effect to be about the global warming but it is about Al Gore and his life. (Scott 1)

To sum up, the movie discusses a basic issue despite of the arguments for and against it. I think Al Gore documentary is so important and valuable because it shows the series problem of this world which is the global warming and the human should be careful about it and they must also put some solutions to solve and reduce this problem.

1 comment:

  1. good writing sultan i think you need to write your opinion
