Monday, May 25, 2009

Blog Project Task 6 (Cool Cities)

With the technology improving, the population of people and the demand of energy increases, leading to a direct increase in carbon dioxide emission which helps in speeding the process of global warming. Japan was one of the active countries toward this issue, because it had a low emission rate among other countries and because it increased its energy efficiency to 37% while decreasing its oil consumption to 8% (Cool City).
The film says carbon dioxide emissions are coming from buildings and transportation which form around 90%. It is expected that the buildings will reduce 50% of the carbon dioxide in the air and the residential buildings will reduce 30% (Cool City). So as a result a new project was brought which is the building of Cool city. Cool city is a city which can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 60% gathered from Japanese Company which is the SDCG (Sustainable Development Consortium of Japan). The video emphasize this city will operate on natural energies, such as it will present solar ships, hybrid cars, light rail transit, and monorail as transportation. It will also meet the requirements of the residents and visitors by having a business, sport, resort zones and a Jatropha forests and it will contain power plant farms (Cool City). This cities heat managing will be unique, where there are some techniques will reduce heat by water, planting trees, roof membrane and the usage of recycled cool air. As a result the buildings will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 60%, where the resident building will reduce 50% and other building will reduce carbon emissions to 30%.
Bradley Hope of National Newspaper says the average temperature rise up to 50C and the humidity 97%. Because of that building cool city in the UAE it’s very helpful to reduce carbon emission. (Hope).

In conclusion, these cities are one of the solutions that will help solving the global warming. No one built this city because of its high cost but as you can see building these kinds of cities will help solving many problems. In my point of view, that these solutions are very useful to reduce the carbon production, however normally it’s hard to change the mentally of people from gulf and UAE as they are producing oil and other sources which are the main source of money and pollution.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Blog Projects-Carbon Footprints Carbon Footprint Task 5

There are various ways to measure our impact on the earth from an environmental standpoint. One of these ways is by way of our carbon footprint. In the following report, I will define what a carbon footprint is, show how a carbon footprint measured, and show how I rank in comparison to others, my country and the worlds as whole and finally I’ll make some suggestions as to how we can reduce our carbon footprints.
Let’s now look at how a carbon footprint defined .A carbon footprint is the measurement of the effect human activities have on the environment. To clarify, the carbon footprint is a measure of the exclusive total amount of carbon dioxide emissions that is directly and indirectly caused by an activity or is accumulated over the life stages of a product. (Carbon Footprint - definition – useful 1)
There are several websites that can measure the carbon footprint. We all have different carbon footprints because each one has different lifestyle that affects our footprint on the planet. The calculation consists of calculating the energy used by people in their life, houses, travels and the way people are moving.
Taking our attention to my ranking I measured my carbon footprint and I answer some questions about food, travel, home and stuff in different categories that were related to identify my carbon footprint. I scored the fourth one among my classmate with a total of 1.84 .My classmate Hassen Albraiki recorded a reading of 4.57 making him the first, Sultan Saud come in second place with a reading of 2.24, Salah Alaamri came third with a score of 1.7and finally Ali Abd Alhacaeem scored 1.8. UAE has poor reputation as far as energy use is concerned. To illustrate, The UAE’s carbon footprint is 4.5 the number of planets needed to sustain the earth’s population if every country had the same ecological footprint as the UAE according to the website (Time out Abu Dhabi).
There are various ways to reduce the amount of consumption of the earth’s sources or reduce the harm one person can cause use more clean ways of transportation by walking or using a bike to go for a small errands to the market instead of the car would help. Also in the house one can use energy saving features lights or Choose energy efficient appliances. For food you can at least plant a garden of your own or choose food with less packaging to reduce waste and for housing use biodegradable, non-toxic cleaning products. For example, Everyone in the world are trying their best to reduce the carbon emissions anyway possible and the UAE too is participating in this cause so should we as UAE citizens (Reduce Your Footprint).
To sum up, this report helped me to primarily become more aware of my impact on the environment and take into consideration ways that I can also benefit the environment by becoming a responsible.